bounce program

The Bounce Program: Feedback from our Participants

Last week, we delved into fascinating research on fatigue management, exploring one of our favourite tools, heart rate variability. Today, however, we’re shifting our focus to the most important voices in this field: the individuals living with fatigue-related conditions. The participants of our Bounce Program.


With our program running since 2021, we decided it was time to check in and hear firsthand what our participants have to say. Spoiler alert: their feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, so, we’ve decided to highlight the three most prominent themes that emerged—shedding light on what people have found most beneficial on their personal fatigue journeys.


#1 Education and Knowledge


One thing that stands out from the valuable feedback we’ve received from our Bounce participants is how essential education and knowledge are in understanding and managing fatigue. As one participant put it, “The education around the science of the HRV and other relative information is something I will continue moving forward.” Others also expressed their appreciation for the detailed explanations of concepts like the autonomic nervous system and pacing, one participant stating “Having a better understanding of the autonomic nervous system and how it comes into play really helped, we went into a lot of detail with that.” Another talks about how getting to know what was causing her fatigue was a game-changer, “I had no idea how much certain cognitive tasks impacted my energy levels and am now in a much better spot to plan my days.”


Through our program, we aim to provide participants with a scientific understanding of how their bodies respond to fatigue. By arming them with this knowledge, we empower them to make informed decisions about their daily activities. Participants gain the ability to recognize patterns, identify triggers, and tailor their approach to managing fatigue. This newfound knowledge allows them to regain control over their lives. The feedback we’ve received so far, reinforces the significance of this educational component in our program.


#2 Tangible Tools and Strategies


The second theme identified highlights the tremendous value participants place on having tangible tools and strategies they can easily incorporate into their daily routines. It’s heartening to hear one participant share their experience, saying, “It’s just that there was never a way to track these things, and it gave me that.” This sentiment was echoed by others who appreciated the concrete methods provided, such as HRV monitoring and sleep tracking. One participant expressed, “If you feel like you have more control and a science/data-based approach, your quality of life and normalcy is greater. I’m a practical results based person so my Exercise Physiologist was of huge value.”


These tangible strategies empower participants to make proactive decisions in managing their fatigue. They can objectively assess their physical capabilities and adjust their activities accordingly, preventing excessive fatigue or finding effective ways to manage it. By providing participants with practical tools rooted in biometric data, our program enables them to take control of their fatigue and experience a better quality of life.


#3 Permission and Validation


An often-overlooked aspect of fatigue management is the psychological impact it can have. It is apparent from feedback that Bounce participants value the permission and validation they received to acknowledge their fatigue experience. One participant expressed, “I think the main one for me was just having that permission to feel tired, the acknowledgment that it’s okay.” In fact, the majority of participants so far have highlighted the support they received, one “loved the one on one support , knowledge and care” and another discusses their EP, stating that “She always encouraged me to reach out to her at anytime if I had any concern or was experiencing difficulty.” 


By providing participants with a supportive and understanding environment, our program helps participants navigate the emotional and mental aspects of fatigue. Participants felt heard, understood, and validated, allowing them to develop a healthier relationship with their fatigue. This acknowledgment empowers participants to be more compassionate toward themselves and effectively manage their energy levels without guilt or self-judgement.


We value the voices of our participants, and we couldn’t be prouder of their feedback. The Bounce Program is still going strong, making a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing fatigue-related challenges.

If you know someone who could benefit from this program, we invite you to reach out. Together, let’s embark on a journey of empowerment and fatigue management.


Author: Tessa Nielsen 
Clinical Exercise Physiologist and
Content Creator at Specialised Health

Further reading:

Inside the Bounce Program! A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome case study

Bounce Data Explained – Our Fatigue Management Approach

It’s a Hit! Feedback from ‘Bounce,’ our Fatigue Management Program

Or check out our ‘blog‘ page and use the search bar to type in the keyword ‘bounce’ or ‘fatigue’ for more great reads!

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