Ex Phys & RTW


Navigating Return to Work: A Customer Story of OT and EP in Synergy!

Navigating the return to work (RTW) process for clients with complex medical backgrounds requires more than a singular approach; it necessitates a collaborative effort that brings together diverse expertise.At Specialised Health, we deeply value the synergy created by working alongside other health professionals, one of our favourites being Occupational Therapists (OTs)!  This partnership enables us […]

Navigating Return to Work: A Customer Story of OT and EP in Synergy! Read More »

The RTW puzzle - where EP fits

Navigating the Return to Work Puzzle: Where Does Exercise Physiology Fit?

Ah, the intricate world of occupational rehabilitation! Guiding an individual from a state of injury or illness back to work is much like solving a complex puzzle. Each piece must align perfectly for the whole picture to come together. You’ve probably encountered the term “exercise physiology” in the context of return to work (RTW) and

Navigating the Return to Work Puzzle: Where Does Exercise Physiology Fit? Read More »

speed&sustainability in RTW outcomes

Striking the Perfect Balance: Speed and Sustainability in Return to Work Rehabilitation

At Specialised Health, we are dedicated to not only achieving quick recovery outcomes but also ensuring these outcomes are sustainable and long-lasting. Our approach integrates comprehensive strategies tailored to each client’s unique needs, focusing on education, proactive assessments, and a multidisciplinary approach. Here’s a closer look at how each of these components plays a vital

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GP case conference

GP Case Conferencing: Enhancing Return to Work Outcomes

At Specialised Health, we understand the importance of a collaborative approach in the management of Return to Work (RTW) programmes. One of the key elements of this approach is GP case conferencing. This practice involves holding a structured meeting between multiple parties on a case, typically the General Practitioners (GPs), Rehabilitation Providers (RPs) and us,

GP Case Conferencing: Enhancing Return to Work Outcomes Read More »

bridging the gap for rehab providers

Rehab Providers and Occupational Therapists – Do you want to know capacity without having to ask for it?

Visualise assembling an intricate gadget without a full set of instructions, or building a house with half a blueprint! Just like these scenarios, we understand that as an OT or Rehab Provider, designing a comprehensive rehabilitation or return-to-work plan without all the necessary details is equally challenging.   We understand the unique challenges you face.

Rehab Providers and Occupational Therapists – Do you want to know capacity without having to ask for it? Read More »

overcoming anxiety

An 8-Week Transformation: Overcoming Anxiety to Re-engage in Work

In the sphere of mental health in occupational rehab, the narrative often touches on the profound struggles individuals face when anxiety impedes their professional lives.    The journey from recognising these challenges to overcoming them is significant and impactful, especially when viewed through the lens of an 8-week transformative program. As was the case for

An 8-Week Transformation: Overcoming Anxiety to Re-engage in Work Read More »

identify who to refer to Exercise Physiology - EP

Identifying Ideal Candidates for Exercise Physiology (EP): Navigating Your Case List

As a case manager, you’re well aware of the diverse challenges and needs that each of your clients presents. It’s a balancing act, determining the best course of action for their rehabilitation journey. In this space, we’re delving into the world of Exercise Physiology (EP) and exploring how to identify which clients on your case

Identifying Ideal Candidates for Exercise Physiology (EP): Navigating Your Case List Read More »


Enhancing Return-to-Work (RTW) Processes with Exercise Physiology. A Strategic Approach for Employers

In today’s fast-paced business environment, maintaining a productive workforce is paramount. However, when employees take leave due to injuries or health issues, the disruption can have a significant impact on a company’s operations and finances.    This is where the integration of exercise physiology into return-to-work (RTW) processes becomes a game changer for employers. This

Enhancing Return-to-Work (RTW) Processes with Exercise Physiology. A Strategic Approach for Employers Read More »

Exercise Physiology Explained

Exercise Physiology Explained

Exercise physiology boasts a long history, marked by the publication of its first dedicated textbook in 1888 (1). However, it’s in the last 40 years that the field has really grown.Notably, research outputs have surged, professional bodies have solidified their presence, and exercise physiologists are increasingly valued in the realms of health and rehabilitation (2,3). 

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2023 – Our Year in Review!

2023, it feels like we blinked and it’s gone! So before we hurtle (full-steam ahead!) into 2024, let’s take a brief moment to reflect on 2023.   Around the World…   Artificial intelligence burst into public consciousness, bringing excitement, concern and everything in between Neuro-sensor feedback devices became a reality, allowing people to control artificial

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