
đź’” Broken Heart Syndrome, Heart Disease and HIIT Everything you need to know

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, the topic of this month is the heart! Bridging the gap between literal and metaphorical, did you know that Broken Heart Syndrome is a real physical condition!? đź’” It is also known as Takotsubo (Tah-kah-tsu-bo) Cardiomyopathy or Stress Cardiomyopathy. It involves sudden but temporary weakening of the heart

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Over 500,000 Australians have this condition and don’t know it yet…

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Early Detection of Diabetes – National Diabetes Week 8th – 14th July 2018 The Background Did you know that half a million Australians could have type 2 diabetes, but don’t know it yet? Did you know that 600 people present to hospital emergency rooms each year feeling unwell, and discover that it’s due to

Over 500,000 Australians have this condition and don’t know it yet… Read More »

Boosting Physical Activity, The How-to and Why-to Guide

From Specialised Health’s Exercise Physiologist, Jennifer Smallridge In our previous newsletter (click here to go back and check it out), we gave a comprehensive background on Physical Inactivity Awareness Month and the widespread epidemic of insufficient movement in Australia. In this update, we relate this back to the Insurance industry and explain how increasing physical

Boosting Physical Activity, The How-to and Why-to Guide Read More »

Do you know what the 4th biggest (but preventable) cause of death is in Australia??

From Specialised Health’s Exercise Physiologist, Ms Jennifer Smallridge Physical Inactivity Awareness Month, March 2018 Did you know that being physically inactive is the 4th leading cause of death due to preventable diseases1? Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) is the national body for the field of exercise physiology, and they are dedicated to raising awareness

Do you know what the 4th biggest (but preventable) cause of death is in Australia?? Read More »

Perinatal Anxiety and Depression – Eating and exercising your way back to health

In our previous article, we gave a comprehensive background of perinatal depression and anxiety with a particular focus on postnatal depression (PND), in light of Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Awareness Week from November 12th to 18th. In this update, you will find out why a multidisciplinary approach to PND works, and how best to provide

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How to feel 40 at 76. A lesson in strength and resilience.

While this story will be most relevant for the CTP insurers out there, the Rehab Providers that are working in the CTP space and those who are working with a client who’s had an amputation, the lessons learnt in this rehab process can be wide and far reaching. Our Western Sydney Exercise Physiologist, Sebastian Cruzado,

How to feel 40 at 76. A lesson in strength and resilience. Read More »

Watch this before your clients go on holiday!

These days there is no excuse for clients who are taking a holiday to not be able to keep up with their rehabilitation. If they’re in an active, strengthening based program which involves a resistance training component there are always substitution options.

Pending the client’s mobility and positioning abilities, body weight training is a great alternative to traditional resistance training. Movements or exercises can be very “functional” in nature as the client learns to move the weight of their body or in other terms, use the physiological load their body provides, as the resistance.

We often provide clients with resistance bands (shown in this video) as they’re a cheap option and are used in a similar action to therabands, however, with the in-built handle they’re much more versatile and can “mirror” many traditional gym exercises.

Ask the EP you’re working with whether they have prescribed the client with a home or a holiday program before they go away. This is a huge factor in being able to start the new year on a good note without having to delay return to work plans and continuing on the path of improvement.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone at Specialised Health.

Watch this before your clients go on holiday! Read More »

Have you missed a vital piece of the rehab puzzle?

Is your client struggling with their lower limb or lumbar spine rehab program? One of the most overlooked aspects of rehabilitation is definitely the benefits that are achieved through incorporating a sound nutritional plan. I’m sure everyone has seen it, an injury leads to decreased mobility and deconditioning, energy expenditure therefore drops but the diet

Have you missed a vital piece of the rehab puzzle? Read More »
