

Condition Spotlight: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

Have you heard of a condition called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome? Let us take you on a quick physiology lesson… The human body is a finely tuned machine. It constantly has to deal with changes within the system; regulating, tweaking, processing, ingesting, excreting, stabilising. It’s an incredible thing, and we don’t give it the credit […]

Condition Spotlight: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Read More »

Why Aren’t I Recovering? 6 Mistakes That Our Chronic Fatigue Clients Make.

Chronic fatigue can be a confusing experience – for sufferers and clinicians alike! We often hear from our clients that they feel like they have tried everything and just aren’t getting better. Many have tried to follow the advice of health professionals to rest more, but alas, their symptoms persist. Many get frustrated and impatient

Why Aren’t I Recovering? 6 Mistakes That Our Chronic Fatigue Clients Make. Read More »

In Her Shoes… A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Case Study

Over 20,000 people in NZ and 100,000 people in Australia suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). That is a prevalence of 0.4% in both countries – with some literature suggesting it could be wildly under-reported due to the complexities of diagnosis.  We’ve talked a lot about chronic fatigue syndrome (to refresh your memory, check out

In Her Shoes… A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Case Study Read More »
