🕵️‍♂️ June 2020 Review 🕵️‍♀️

Each month we create and publish articles on topics which are important to us and, we hope, important to our clients and customers. Here’s a snapshot of our education pieces throughout the month of June 2020.


Some Articles We Published In May

Like the rest of us, our EPs get stressed.

How we manage our stress is important to us so that we can be leaders and role models to our clients by practising what we preach.

Stress and wellbeing is a pillar of health. It affects mental health, fatigue and even pain.

Find out how our EPs manage their stress.


Is your claimant stuck?

How is their sleep hygiene? Fatigue? Fitness?

Are they motivated?

Do they have routine?

These are just a few focus areas Exercise Physiology programs address to help move psych claims.

Need a bit more convincing? Find out how we can help you help your claimants.



Staff Spotlight

Chantelle Wardini

Role: Exercise Physiologist and Dieitian
Location: Bella Vista, Sydney, NSW

Chantelle’s Ninja Skills

🐱‍👤 Back Injuries

🐱‍👤 Shoulder Injuries

🐱‍👤 Dietetics


🍦Food – ice cream or mangoes!

🦵 Exercise –  I can’t go past prescribing a squat or variation of this.

It’s such a functional exercise and most people benefit from improving their lower limb strength. At the same time I can check their manual handling technique.

🍌 Fact –  Bananas are a herb!

💫 Fiction – I can’t go past psychological thrillers like “split” or “inception”

🤔 Myth Buster – Doing the same workout for years is not going to get you results. Our bodies adapt to our level of training within about 8 weeks so if you want to keep getting stronger/fitter/more flexible you need to continually update your exercise plan!

Also a nutrition one.. you could choose any diet you like and you’d lose weight if you are in an energy deficit. The “types” of foods you eat don’t matter in the slightest for weight loss per see (but they obviously do matter for other determinants of health like ensuring your cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose control are on track).

But wait, there’s more.

Most inspirational client
Career history
Why chose EP & Dietetics life?


Get to know more about Chantelle here.

This Month in Social Media

Favourite Social Media Posts
High competition this month!
Two videos tied for first place with Carmyn’s “Wednesday Win” coming in second place.
  • 🥇 First Place – Carmyn’s TFL release (Video)

🥈 Second Place – Shara’s Win
🤩 For more Case Study WINS you can search #specialisedhealthwins on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram 

It was a close comp! To vote for your favourite post share, like or comment on our posts.Image result for linkedin logoImage result for facebook logoImage result for instagram logo

Behind the Scenes

We have weekly team meetings and fortnightly roundtables of challenging cases AND we run various clinical in-services regularly as well!

Here were our focuses for June:

Internal Education 

  • Management of  shoulder pain associated with bicep tendon
  • Work readiness in Mental Health claims
  • Musculoskeletal injuries with additional mental health barriers
  • Exercise programming for Stroke and fatigue

Team Focus Areas for June

  • Managing cancellations
  • Case communications between different parties
  • Covid Updates – Telehealth, opening of gyms, safety
  • Importance of requesting GP upgrade capacity certificate with EP assessed capacity

Staff Changes

  • Welcoming our new EP Georgia who is will be looking after South Sydney for us!


Did you know that we have a Sister Company in the Corporate Wellness space?

For up to date tips on optimising health and wellness for yourself, your staff, your friends and your family, follow Reva Wellness on Linked InFacebookInstagram and YouTube.


You can also see what’s on the mind of our Director, Brad Domek, by connecting with him on Linked In.


Each month we will pick a question to Q&A.
Send your questions to brad@specialisedhealth.com.au or biara@specialisedhealth.com.au
Or contact us through the below social media outlets!

