🔦 Staff Spotlight 🔦 – Melissa Mills

Specialised Health, Behind the Scenes.
Who is Specialised Health?

The culture of progression, passion and authenticity behind Specialised Health drives all of us to provide quality Exercise Physiology services in the compensable space.
We support claimants in achieving their return to work and life goals through specialist exercise and lifestyle prescription while recognising the importance of open communication with all parties involved in the rehab process.
We share knowledge with a passion and are made up of exceptional individuals.
As a part of my role, I get to pry into the lives of these individual’s and share them with you! – Biara Webster, Exercise Physiologist and Content Manager, Specialised Health

STAFF SPOTLIGHT: #10 Melissa Mills

Mel is our Admin Assistant for Specialised Health Sydney and New Zealand. She has an Advanced Certificate in Admin and an impressive 24 years’ experience working as a Legal Personal Assistant.

Outside of being a star admin, she’s proud mother of two amazing girls and has been a CrossFitter for the last 3 years, this year achieving a 92 kg deadlift!!

Why did you choose to work with an Exercise Physiology company?

After working in the legal industry for over 24 years, I found it was time to work in an environment where my interest of fitness and my administration skills could go hand in hand. When the opportunity came up to work for an Exercise Physiology company I jumped at the chance and I have not regretted it one bit.

I love seeing the commitment and passion that our Exercise Physiologists have for their job and it gives me great satisfaction to be “behind the scenes” and help our EP’s as much as I can.

(We certainly appreciate it!!)

What are your Ninja skills?

Talking about myself is so awkward!

If I have to pick work-related ninja skills…

I am pretty confident in my Communication and Multi-tasking skills.

I love helping others and seeing positive results. In an administration role, it is important to be able to multi-task so that I can assist others to perform their jobs more efficiently.

Do you exercise?

Yes, absolutely!

I have always played a sport since a young age, but have found it hard to commit to team sports on weekends now that I have two girls who are very active.

So, I started Crossfit 3 years ago after encouragement from my husband who knew I would love the concept of strength and endurance.

I try to attend 3/-4 classes a week. I find it not only great for the body but also the mind.

Tell us about someone who inspires you

My father.

About 15 years ago he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so was advised that he needed to lose weight. Big changes to his lifestyle now has him swimming everyday and playing bowls.

Although he has just suffered a minor heart attack, the doctors advised that due to his fitness the situation could have been a lot worse.


🦐 Food – Anything with prawns! I also love Italian food so if you add prawns into an Italian dish its a big win for me!

🏋️‍♀️ Exercise – Lifting, especially back squats and deadlifts.

I love learning about techniques to movements and implementing them. I have definitely seen improvements within my form and my increase in weights. Also helps to have a great coach!

🎃 Fact – Fun fact that I learnt this morning is that pumpkin is actually a fruit!

🎥 Fiction – Favourite movies are anything by Baz Luhrmann.
I love the concept of re-creating stories with a modern twist and the quirkiness of his films.

Have you learnt anything new recently?

Other than pumpkin facts, I am still learning something new everyday working with Specialsied Health, and I love it! Whether it be anything to do with administration or sitting in on our team meetings and listening to our EP’s discussing their rehab programs.

Do you have a life outside of work?

I have two daughters and husband who keep me on my toes!

My daughters love being active and attend Physie twice a week, play netball and have now started CrossFit., it’s great to see their determination.

We really enjoy spending time at the beach when we get a chance in our busy schedule but try to make to most of every minute.

Now there is a very big puppy on the scene we are spending a lot of time on our property going for walks trying to wear her out.

What are your goals for the next 6 months?

I am aiming to achieve a 100kg deadlift by the end of the year!

Contact Mel

Email:admin@specialsiedhealth.com.au, melissa@specialisedhealth.com.au
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-mills-027215a7/
Contact Number: 0419 166 172
Area of service: Administration Assistant, Sydney & NZ
