🔦 Staff Spotlight 🔦 – Hussein Taoube

Specialised Health, Behind the Scenes. Who is Specialised Health?


The culture of progression, passion and authenticity behind Specialised Health drives all of us to provide quality Exercise Physiology services in the compensable space. We support claimants in achieving their return to work and life goals through specialist exercise and lifestyle prescription while recognising the importance of open communication with all parties involved in the rehab process. We share knowledge with a passion and are made up of exceptional individuals. 



Location: South East Sydney

Hussein has been with us for about a year now. He has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Exercise Physiology and he came to us after a year working as a Rehab Consultant, so he knows what’s what when it comes to how an EP can help someone return to work.

Why did you choose the Exercise Physiologist career path?

I’ve always had a sense of duty to help others and was going to choose a career pathway that allowed me to do this. Exercise has been a major part of my life since I was very young and will always have a major influence on who I am and what I do. I am able to combine my need to help others with my passion for exercise through this career pathway.

What are your Ninja Exercise Physiology skills?

I have found myself excelling in the field of Mental Health thanks to my empathetic approach to all of my clients. I have been able to show those who feel they have nothing what they’re really capable of and this has provided me with a massive sense of accomplishment, something I see myself continuing to strive for.

Do you exercise?

I currently exercise 6 days per week. 4 days is spent on Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). MMA is a sport that requires hours of dedication every week and involves all aspect of combat including boxing, wrestling and grappling. The other two days I complete resistance training which focuses on building strength and muscle.

Tell us about your most inspirational client

I was privileged to witness one of my clients, who was 68 years old at the time of referral, go from not being able to stand due to a shattered femur, to returning to full time work completing a heavy labour job with Sydney Trains in the space of 5 months. I have never seen such will, determination and dedication in an individual. If I can apply just half of that energy to my goals, I will have no issue achieving them.


Food –  Burritos, Chocolate and pancakes.

Exercise – Why?  Wrestling to be specific. Because I’m better than most people at it 🙂

Fiction –  Interstellar

Myth Buster  –  â€śIf I exercise all of my muscles I will get too big.”
“Getting big” takes a lot of work with consideration of reps, rest and sets as well as diet!

What are your goals for 2020?

Continue to develop my skills as a complete Exercise Physiologist so that I can provide the best standard of treatment for all those who walk through my doors.

Each month we will pick a question to Q&A. Send your questions to brad@specialisedhealth.com.au or biara@specialisedhealth.com.au
Or contact us through the below social media outlets!
