A holistic and wellness-based program improving injury recovery through health coaching and exercise physiology
Recovering from an injury is no longer a process involving just treatment to the physical body. Recovery relies on adequate nutrition, reducing stress and managing movement to safely strengthen and rebuild damaged tissue.
Exercise Physiologists are specialists in injury recovery and through the ReBuild™ program you’ll be taken through 6 health coaching sessions where you will be guided in:
Understanding your diagnosis and the types of movements that are safe to do whilst your damaged tissues are recovering
Understanding the role of pain and what you can do to improve pain and minimise its impact on your life
Learning what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat so you fuel your body for recovery
Improving your sleep and stress management including how to decrease stress inducing hormones that prolong the recovery process
All ReBuild™ programs are individualised to address your specific injury and our Exercise Physiologists operate in-person, via video conference as well as over the phone to give you tailored access to this amazing program.
Contact your Claims Assessor to inquire about starting a ReBuild™ program today.